“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” ~Brene Brown
The Year Of Focus: Week 35
Word Of The Week: Courage
the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.
Courage can come from many places. It arrives when we must be our own hero. It shows up when we choose to survive after heartache touches our lives. It is there when we decide to take that leap into a new relationship or career, when traveling somewhere new. Courage can be our cheerleader when we feel unsure and our boost when we succeed.
We all have those regrets when our decisions were made from fear, and we did not follow the road less traveled. This regret helps us in the future when we are faced with new decisions that require our courage necessary to say yes.
Sometimes the discomfort of courage keeps us from trying new things. This week I am going use courage as my anchor when I make decisions and see how a week of focus can change the direction of my days.
August-Dog days of summer
Book | Work Out | Podcast |
Pen on Fire | Strength | Doctors Pharmacy |
Diligent | Kindness | Position | Follow | Discipline | Worship | Notice | Invest | Anticipate | Authority |
Transform | Advance | Alert | Choose | Forgive | Rhythm | Seek | Arrive | Timing | Clarity |
Little | Honesty | Silence | Pace | Release | Prayer | Joy | Move | Rooted | Restore |
Stay | Refresh | cultivate | illuminate | courage | beauty | freedom | renew | trust | anchor |
expect | create | purpose | intention | surrender | words | simplicity | obedience | with | family |
wait | Jesus |
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