"Wholehearted living is not like trying to reach a destination. It's like
walking toward a star in the sky. We never really 'arrive,' but we certainly
know that we're heading in the right direction." ~Brene Brown
We are linked in our humanity the way the earth holds a tree, so that tree can hold a nest, so that nest can hold a bird, so that bird can drop a seed that will in time give birth to the next tree.
Being Wholehearted
For we can only see as far into the world as we can see into ourselves. The goal of wholeheartedness: to admit our failings, limitations, and darker impulses and to enfold them into a complete effort to restore kindness and Unity.
~Mark Nepo
There are many good people in this world to not feel grounded. And yet, a simple tag line or story can drive my thoughts rampant. When the world feels like it’s off its hinges, and the news is steeped in sadness I find myself stepping away to a place of quiet. Taking a moment for self-care, meditation or even exercise can release the negative thought spiral.
In that quiet place I can recall the words of Mr. Rogers. He said when I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” And that always brings me back.
Escaping with a good book, catching up with old friends, or helping someone else will remind us of the people that are always out there accomplishing amazing things. Remembering the helpers is a nudge to pay it forward and sprinkle kindness like confetti.
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