Quiet the mind and the soul will speak. ~Buddha
The Year Of Focus: Week 13
Word of the Week: Alert
1. an attitude of vigilance, readiness, or caution, as before an expected attack.
The world of today is in an endless state of alert, our minds are flooded with them. There are alerts on your phone for texts, emails, news. A relentless reminder with Facebook likes, Instagram hearts, and other types of alerts fighting for our attention. We wake up with them, the endless reminder to what's next. It feels like a room full of chattering people all yelling for your attention.
Just the other morning while meditating, a second alarm, I forgot to turn off began to chime, disrupting the calm of my meditation. They are loud, distracting and anxiety producing, and pull our attention in many directions. This was another reminder to silence the notifications and move to a tranquil place, whether that is being creative, reading or outdoors.
I am looking forward to the spring weather that allows me to open the windows so the calm of nature can fill the senses, and quiet the alerts. A wake up call to set boundaries from these distractions. Uncovering creative calm, without alarms, turning off the noise to enjoy the silence.
How did families years ago, survive without all these alerts? How can I do things differently and disrupt the pattern of constant alerts?
March - Month Of Wellness
Book | Work Out | Podcast |
The Daily Stoic | Yoga | School of Greatness |
Diligent | Kindness | Position | Follow | Discipline | Worship | Notice | Invest | Anticipate | Authority |
Transformation | Advance | 03-24-24 | 03-31-24 | 04-07-24 | 04-14-24 | 04-21-24 | 04-28-24 | 05-05-24 | 05-12-24 |
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