Year Of Focus: Week 19 - Timing

May 5, 2024

 “The Sun will rise and set regardless. What we choose to do with the light while it's here is up to us. Journey wisely.” ―Alexandra Elle

The Year Of Focus: Week 19

Word of The Week: Timing

1.   (in acting) the act of adjusting one's tempo of speaking and moving for dramatic effect.

Oh timing, what a tricky and sometimes perfectly orchestrated thing. How is it you could plan to meet someone at a certain time in a crowded place and never find them yet run into someone you hadn’t planned to see in another state. Is that timing? Or when we walk or run with a friend, and we are forced to adjust the timing of our steps to keep up or slow down.

Sometimes timing is the equanimity we need in our daily routine, the composure that keeps us showing up or gives us the ability to accomplish something in an agreed time. Learning to balance what we want to do and what we need to do is all a matter of how we use our time and the timing of our plans. Timing can also be a God thing… There are some things that come together in perfect timing that can only be explained by a divine crossing.

Learning to accept Gods timing, especially when things take longer, while also figuring out where we are at our best can help direct the way we spend our days. For me, waking early is the most efficient use of my time towards my goals. I enjoy waking early, ready to get things done. Yet accomplish a lot less in the evenings. Years ago, I was opposite and stayed up late into the night, where then, for me, the timing was right.

May - Personal Development

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