We are linked in our humanity the way the earth holds a tree, so that tree can hold a nest, so that nest can hold a bird, so that bird can drop a seed that will in time give birth to the next tree.
As Many Times As Necessary
Isn’t it funny how so many of our lessons are repeated throughout life. How often do we carry too much, only to drop or break something along the way. We know we should make several trips, but we think we are saving time, only to have a bigger mess to clean up in the end.
Some lessons in life take us longer to learn. Sometimes our younger years are so busy with children and jobs, we forget who we are. Then the weight of emptiness enters when we are no longer consumed with those roles. That is where the questions begin to surface...
I am enjoying this season of life, the opportunity to focus on the things I enjoy while digging deeper into creativity. Still seeking purpose as I stumble through the lessons that are meant to teach us as many times as necessary.
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10 |
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