“Invest your energy into something that is going to contribute in your growth.”
The Year of Focus: Week 8
Word of the week: Invest
Invest- verb (used with object)
My father always told us, our greatest asset was time. It is a finite gift that is often squandered with petty indifference. With the word invest this week, I decided to focus on the ways I invest my time.
In 2022, I spent a good part of the year rationalizing the changes that were happening around me instead of investing my time in repairing. It was a year of questioning. During that time, life felt difficult, and I struggled to find direction.
Eventually, I recognized this as an opportunity to invest in myself and began tackling the tasks I could control. Learning the ways to invest my time that would help my future self, instead of worrying.
In hindsight, everything makes more sense, and now I see how my participation was needed to create change. Part of my struggle was learning to adjust to a new way of living and focus my time and attention on balance. Not just creating time for work, but also time for play. A rhythm that changes in every season of life as we search for what makes us happy.
February - Month of Love
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