Year Of Focus; Week 29 - Rooted

July 14, 2024

“To move freely one must be deeply rooted.”

Year of Focus: Week 29

Word of Week: Rooted 

  1. firmly implanted (often used in combination):

a deep-rooted belief

To feel rooted in my life I want an anchor to the things that bring joy and purpose, a clear connection to my focus. This is not a way to deny the struggles of life, since we know they will still come. But instead, a declaration to myself to concentrate on the things I can control with joy and purpose. 

To do that I must recognize the brevity of time, fleeting moments that end a season and bring what was to a close. If I pay attention, I will notice the lessons laid before me. Choosing the behaviors necessary for the right balance of momentum and pause. Planning dates to explore something while still making time for the slower things, moments rooted in reading and crafts.

As I journal to discover who I am and where I am going, these layers of life prompt me with their influence. It is time to quit chasing and achieving. I am ready for the slowness that remains rooted in the gratitude of being. 

July - Halfway There

Book Work Out Podcast
Simple Abundance Hiking The one you feed
Diligent Kindness   Position Follow Discipline Worship Notice Invest Anticipate Authority
Transformation Advance   Alert Choose   Forgiveness Rhythm Seek Arrive Timing Clarity
 Little  Honesty  Silence  Pace  Release  Prayer  Joy  Movement    


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