Life presents many choices, the choices we make determine our future.
The Year of Focus: Week 14
Word of the Week: Choose
1. to make a choice, or select from two or more possibilities:
Every day we are faced with endless choices, some of those choices are so habitual, they don’t even feel like a choice. To wake early or sleep in, exercise or watch television, prepare dinner, or order out, go to work, or stay home. There are consequences for all these choices as well. Some we feel immediately and some that compound over time.
In this year of focus, I am choosing to wake early and write. Even these little blurbs of stories I write each week are the small steps I choose to make daily to improve my writing and continue this habit. Each weekly blog post is part of the practice to get better, the discipline to keep going, and a habit that instills change. It is about choosing what you want to change over and over, choosing to improve yourself.
In the book Atomic Habits, he explains the impact of small changes with this example Imagine you are flying from Los Angeles to New York City. If a pilot leaving from LAX adjusts the heading just 3.5 degrees south, you will land in Washington DC instead of New York. It is the same with our choices, they do not have to be huge, just a nudge in a new direction. Choices are ours to make. What choice can you make that shifts the trajectory of your goals?
March - Month Of Wellness
Book | Work Out | Podcast |
The Daily Stoic | Yoga | School of Greatness |
Diligent | Kindness | Position | Follow | Discipline | Worship | Notice | Invest | Anticipate | Authority |
Transformation | Advance | Alert | 03-31-24 | 04-07-24 | 04-14-24 | 04-21-24 | 04-28-24 | 05-05-24 | 05-12-24 |
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