A little progress everyday adds up to BIG results.
Year Of Focus: Week 21
Word Of Week: Little
in only a small amount or degree; not much; slightly: a little-known work of art; little better than a previous effort.
So often it is the grand gesture that is noticed, but what about all the little things that make a difference in your life and in the lives of others? I believe the little things grow into the big things. They are the small steps necessary for change, the transformations that do not blossom from grand actions, but instead daily little steps. Eventually becoming daily habits that over time, build momentum.
This year for me everything has been about making small shifts to promote a positive life. Focusing on discovering the space created by little alterations to stimulate balance in my daily life. From the daily meditation and a yoga practice, daily reading of ten pages in a self-help book, and water, lots of water. These are little habits that bring big rewards with time and practice.
Even the mission of writing these weekly blog posts are the little steps it takes to keep me writing daily, and part of my goal to write more. It is one of the biggest lessons from other writers, “Just sit down and do the work, write the words and little by little these words, paragraphs, stories create something more. The biggest hurdle is just showing up.
It is all a matter of choosing one little thing to change, and allow the habit to grow into something grand.
May - Personal Development
Book | Work Out | Podcast |
The Yamas & Niyamas | Yoga/Hike | Good Life Project |
Diligent | Kindness | Position | Follow | Discipline | Worship | Notice | Invest | Anticipate | Authority |
Transformation | Advance | Alert | Choose | Forgiveness | Rhythm | Seek | Arrive | Timing | Clarity |
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