We often need to be refreshed
Year of Focus: Week 32
Word of The Week: Refreshed
Verb; to provide new vigor and energy by rest, food, etc. (often used reflexively).
Have you ever tried to solve a problem or find something you are missing. You can search endlessly to no avail. Sometimes we need a moment to step away and be refreshed. Then when we return the answers appear easier. To step away is our opportunity to be refreshed. To clear our minds of the struggle and return mentally stronger.
When we focus on one task too long, we can lose focus. But to step away, even with a quick walk with nature our minds are refreshed and often produce the answers that were out of reach just moments earlier.
August-Dog days of summer
Book | Work Out | Podcast |
New Morning Mercies | Strength | Doctors Pharmacy |
Diligent | Kindness | Position | Follow | Discipline | Worship | Notice | Invest | Anticipate | Authority |
Transform | Advance | Alert | Choose | Forgive | Rhythm | Seek | Arrive | Timing | Clarity |
Little | Honesty | Silence | Pace | Release | Prayer | Joy | Move | Rooted | Restore |
Stay | Refresh | cultivate | illuminate | courage | beauty | freedom | renew | trust | anchor |
expect | create | purpose | intention | surrender | words | simplicity | obedience | with | family |
wait | Jesus |
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