Unraveling Gratitude - Week One

July 3, 2016

"A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles"

Week one challenge: Why start this challenge?

  • A mindful practice to create a new perspective
  • Discover joy
  • Noticing gifts
  • Pausing to observe
  • Authentic spirit 

Week One (June 26-July 2)

Waking early promotes possibility as I cultivate time for work and the space for play, this slow dance of balance with the ebb and flow of growth delivers the promise of kindness for my souls agenda. Gratitude bursts ineptly as I wrestle the anxiety crowding my thoughts, a tug of war, this greedy spirit of fear I strive to hush with my practice in bloom.

This week I prepared to launch into my quest for gratitude and establish a pattern to follow promoting new habits. Amidst the stacks of crafting supplies I survey a small book, the perfect bedside companion and prompt to record grateful activity. Grace begins to anchor my day with the gifts of knowing I am on the right path while embellishing my journal. 

Gathering words, I color the pages with the fresh tales of my day. It is early in this process and I know the flow of joy does not always arrive smoothly as I unpack an open mind, the tools necessary for this arena, and my desire for change.

The list begins...

My birthday with family, the gifts of a perfect day, all easily providing the grace that spills onto the page as I indulge in joys comfort, soon happiness fades into the past with the sting of knowing this day is just like any other for my mom and sister, forging a pause to acknowledge the choking sadness.

For me, the practice of grace is learning to identify the lingering heartache without allowing it to devour my optimism. Holding onto hope without the anchor of anxiety, gently walking in a new direction to embrace joys arrival without the projection of fear.

And here I go...

If you are just joining, this journey has just begun.  You can find the starting page HERE

Week 1 Week 12 Week 23 Week 34 Week 45
Week 2 Week 13 Week 24 Week 35 Week 46
Week 3 Week 14 Week 25 Week 36 Week 47
Week 4 Week 15 Week 26 Week 37 Week 48
Week 5 Week 16 Week 27 Week 38 Week 49
Week 6 Week 17 Week 28 Week 39 Week 50
Week 7 Week 18 Week 29 Week 40 Week 51
Week 8 Week 19 Week 30 Week 41 Week 52
Week 9 Week 20  Week 31 Week 42  
Week 10 Week 21 Week 32 Week 43  
Week 11 Week 22 Week 33  


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