Intentions - Week 27

January 1, 2017

"A year from now you may wish you started today" ~ Karen Lamb

Week twenty-seven (December 25 - 31)

Always a fan of goals and intentions, I seek approaches to document my progress with healthy ways to strengthen my mind and body. These assessments implement the arrival for something new, and although it is not always about reaching a goal, creating change is part of our evolution and goal setting delivers clarity to our vision of development.

Each year I devise a list of intentions, things that will promote enrichment while challenging me throughout the year, couple that with my ONE LITTLE WORD and a new foundation is set. Establishing goals can be a useful tool to monitor our progress, especially when they commence at the start of a new year.

Providing the motivation to get started with a glimpse of the future, goals produce momentum for transformation and although some goals are a means of tracking progress (reading 50 books in 2016), others establish a positive mindset while gathering the pride of accomplishment once we reach them.

Goals begin as an idea, a thought that points us towards new development with the steps we take leading to the shift we seek. The smallest changes can lead towards the biggest transformations in our lives, once we decide we are ready to take them.

My search for gratitude was a goal which began slowly by documenting the beauty of a life well lived. Each step lifts me towards the joy that surrounds me as I continue on this path towards wholeness. Gratitude slips in as I acknowledge the abundant opportunities in each day while savoring the wisdom it came to teach.

Where do you want to be 365 days from today?

From the list... 


Week 27: Favorite spot in your city

The historic downtown Medina is a wonderful place to visit, with so many fun shops and restaurants you can always find something to do. 


 If you are just starting to follow  #52weeksofgratitude you can start HERE   #gratitudechangeseverything

Week 1 Week 12 Week 23 Week 34 Week 45
Week 2 Week 13 Week 24 Week 35 Week 46
Week 3 Week 14 Week 25 Week 36 Week 47
Week 4 Week 15 Week 26 Week 37 Week 48
Week 5 Week 16 Week 27 Week 38 Week 49
Week 6 Week 17 Week 28 Week 39 Week 50
Week 7 Week 18 Week 29 Week 40 Week 51
Week 8 Week 19 Week 30 Week 41 Week 52
Week 9 Week 20  Week 31 Week 42  
Week 10 Week 21 Week 32 Week 43  
Week 11 Week 22 Week 33 Week 44  



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