Gratitude - Week 45

May 7, 2017

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul." ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Gratitude: Week 45 (April 30 - May 6)

Gratitude arrives in lessons when experience appears at our doorstep. Countless moments are tangled in regret when reflection magnifies the stages of my past, allowing my thoughts to drift wearily towards others who have suffered, their images displaying a remorse that radiates meaning as we stand amongst the bereaved.

Emotions compete with one another as I tumble through the stages of grief where anger, depression, and bargaining confuse my logic and wither any strands of faith, the intrusion of despair that had seared my heart while I blindly step into another day.

Slowly through the turbulence of suffering and the shifting of warmth, I established a new rhythm in life, discovering how blessings from the past are illuminated in a softening light, more than some and less than many, but forever mine to hold onto.

And gently I surrender to these torrents of grief, allowing the tide to ebb and the sound of his laughter to crest in the echoes of hope. Smiles that flickering softly in my minds eye and deliver the narrative of the past in a delicate shifting wave.

From the list...

What do you do for fun:

The list is endless with the opportunities abounding. Dates filled with laughter, family fun, friendships enlightening the world outside. Running, hiking, planning, reading, photography and writing each day.

 If you are just starting to follow  #52weeksofgratitude you can start HERE   #gratitudechangeseverything

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