"Gratitude opens the door to... the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe. You open the door through gratitude." ~Deepak Chopra
Week four (July 17-July 23)
I cannot believe we are already four weeks into the #52weeksofgratitude, on average a habit takes 21 days to set and at the end of each day as I fill my journal with my lists of gratitude, I believe the habit of practicing gratitude has been established.
Considering the many joyful moments in my past, pursuits in creativity tops my list of favorites, allowing serenity into the scene as I get lost in a creative place provides the space for play, creating a light that illuminates my spirit, this momentum guides me towards writing and many other creative endeavors all unfolding with gratitude.
"Unused creativity is not benign. It metastasizes. It turns into grief, rage, judgment, sorrow, shame." ~ Brene Brown
As I move into the next phase of this journey, it came clear to combine creativity with gratitude. When lost in play the time evaporates providing the freedom of expression through a creative medium which adds another extension to who we are and exposes the vulnerability we often shield.
Making dates for creativity has become a MUST as my schedule fills with obligations. Discovering a time and place to get absorbed in softness brings great strength to other areas of life, creativity births meaning, direction and innovation.
As we indulge our creative spirit authenticity emerges. Art journals, Illustrated faith, scrapbooking and writing are just a few of the creative breaths that nourish my inspiration. During this quest for gratitude I fill small embellished journals with my daily lists of gratitude and washed with grace this brings joy to my days.
From the list...
Week four: A family member (my sister)
If you are just joining us HERE is where I started
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