Forgiveness - Week five

July 31, 2016

"When deep injury is done to us, we never heal until we forgive" ~Nelson Mandela

Week five  (July 24-July 30)

As I move through life uncovering forgiveness became a fundamental piece of mental health with powerful lessons of love and loss. Each time I acknowledge the gratitude in my days, settled nearby is a discussion of forgiveness which guides the potential of joy and grace that lead to absolution. 

Throughout each season of life, relationships end, careers change, and death occurs scattering the darkness demanding to be unearthed with the struggle to lean towards gratitude. Loss transpires in so many ways, each requiring an evolution of instruction and growth from uncertainty.

For many seasons while highjacked by grief after the loss of Ryan, identifying empathy and forgiveness became difficult to process. Guilt distributed a shattered image of life, introducing a darkness I had never imagined during this complex chapter of loss, a reckoning I needed to unravel to release the ugliness captured inside. 

Maya Angelou reminds us to say thank you for the challenging moments in our life, those stages are where change begins, that place that pushes us in a new direction requiring a reconciliation with grace.

Over time our friendships evolve or drift apart as life and circumstance develop, her words illuminate the many betrayals on my path, relationships that ended, all appearing so painful during their stay inevitably led to enlightenment and another nudge towards gratitude.

Loss teaches compassion and compassion generates grace. How we treat one another when life becomes difficult is a reflection of our own inner turmoil. Hurt people, hurt people and when we discover the strength to forgive, a treasure emerges. By breathing light into the darkest corners, we release the betrayal holding us to the past.

As the anchor is unhinged, forgiveness burns softly, awakening the innocence of my being, mindful of every flaw and the proof of my wholehearted actions, ushering me closer to the grace that waits patiently beside me.

From the list...

Week five: Something someone gave you

  • the gift of time, always the best gift
  • the lessons learned through heartbreak
  • the determination to keep reaching for goals
  • love when I needed it most
  • friendship when I did not know where to fall

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  • July 31, 2016 @ 7:48 PM EDT
    By Karen Grimsley

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