Gratitude: Week 42

April 16, 2017

"The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become"  ~Robert Holden

Gratitude: Week 42 (April 9th - April 15th)

After forty-two weeks of gratitude, I have untangled grace in the tiny twinklings of life, documenting this journey with details of each day by observing the small parcels of light that would escape if left unnoticed.

Witnessing this softness transforms the lens of my perceptions, drawing me into the mindful presence of gratefulness.

Gratitude is the habit of noticing the gifts in a day, simple moments that clarify life with peace and contentment, recognizing the tangles of gratitude in the truths revealed providing a destination where I sit patiently within while resisting the urge to push towards the next thing. 

Gratitude is simple, a comparative of the glass full when we notice the sunrise, the perfect day that reflects the grace available when the right people appear in life, actively a part of your victory connecting each celebration of life we are given, reflecting light in the best way possible and noticing all there is to be grateful for.  

From the list...

Week 42: Your favorite possession

Besides for my spouse and my children and family would have to be my camera to capture it all...


 If you are just starting to follow  #52weeksofgratitude you can start HERE   #gratitudechangeseverything

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Week 3 Week 14 Week 25 Week 36 Week 47
Week 4 Week 15 Week 26 Week 37 Week 48
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Week 6 Week 17 Week 28 Week 39 Week 50
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Week 8 Week 19 Week 30 Week 41 Week 52
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