Creating moments for grace - Week twenty-three

December 4, 2016

"I will practice gratitude to access joy." ~Brene Brown 

Week twenty-three (November 27 - December 3)

This morning the dog excitedly danced before me as I carried the tennis balls from within the house to the outdoors. These balls are his kryptonite and they have assisted us in training him to stay within the boundaries of our yard while his focus is on an opportunity to play.

I giggle at his inability to hide his enthusiasm and recognize the gratitude in this very moment heady with anticipation. He is ready in a flash displaying his thanks by prancing and wiggling while reminding me how simple things can teach us about gratitude. After a few minutes of this energetic play, I return to the warmth of the house where I am now grateful while he slumps next to his water bowl in elated exhaustion.

Brimming with anticipation I witness gratitude from many things; a smile, cup of coffee or even the act of throwing a ball delivers a glistening of delight and as December glides in and gratitude washes over me while I scatter trinkets of kindness that fill my heart with joy. 

Rekindling the spirit of the season by creating moments for grace will always deliver gratitude...

From the list...

Week twenty-three: Favorite Physical trait

  • I always have such a hard time choosing things about myself, I usually want to blend into the crowd not stand out. But a part of my search for gratitude was also to appreciate who I am. I love my hair, strong legs for running, my hands, and my heart that is always seeking joy.

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  • December 5, 2016 @ 11:09 AM EST
    By Beverly McComb-Davies
    Thank, too...prefer to "blend in," but I wrote "I'm grateful for my hands for they remind me of Mom's (though hers were more artistic and creative - my sister got those genes). I pray 'the work of my hands' will bless others." Love you, Bev

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