My best effort- Week eleven

September 11, 2016


"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can" ~ Arther Ashe

Week Eleven (September 4 - September 10)

I have been a dedicated runner for around eight years, a symptom of my quitting smoking and the inevitable weight gain. Since that time my goals have evolved and the gratitude in my abilities has wavered from unimaginable to unstoppable, and while I have flourished in countless ways, I often return to the practice of gratitude to acknowledge the distance traveled through the small moments that create the biggest shifts.

To run the Chicago marathon in 2011, my first and probably only full marathon, I learned about discipline in training and the dedication required to push through the rough parts. During this race I discovered that difficulties will still arise regardless of our planning when I developed exercise induced asthma and was almost unable to finish.

That obstacle directed me towards other options with my running, including the support of an inhaler as well as altered training methods required to build a new platform which unveiled my ability to thrive with half marathons and be among a group of twelve women who ran 12 half marathons in 2012.

During this season running continues to both strengthen and challenge me as the goals I have set are still beyond my grasp, and while I uncover disappointment not meeting a goal, I know that gratitude can remind me of the distance traveled.

Like any area we aspire to improve, it must include practice while discovering consistent methods for change, forging a habit to reach undiscovered goals. During many of these races I could have given up amid the struggle, but advancement occurs within the striving, during the difficult parts where focus can reveal the pieces we never knew existed.

From the list...

Week Eleven: Someone who inspires you

My friend and running partner Kathy constantly inspires me with her bravery and determination. Whether she is competing, entertaining or fulfilling goals she will not only do it, she will excel, inspiring me to get out there and push towards my goals and supporting any new adventures I decide to conquer.

If you are just starting to follow with my #52weeksofgratitude you can start HERE   #gratitudechangeseverything


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  • September 13, 2016 @ 8:29 AM EDT
    By Karen Grimsley
    I have been following threw all , you gone threw God Bless You . Keep on running & keep on writing.

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