Gratitude - Week 43

April 23, 2017

"Courage isn't having enough strength to go on, it is going on when you don't have strength" 

Gratitude: Week 43 (April 16th - April 22nd)

I was tired of being sad... sad did not serve me, in fact, my dismal ways did not serve anyone and after years of this steady decline, I decided it was time to transform these emotions and begin to look at life with a renewed desire, taking brief  pauses in grief to imagine a spirit of gratitude.

After my devastating loss, life became unsure, with no solid ground beneath me it was difficult to imagine going on, but each morning a glimmer of hope radiated warmth, delivering a promise of hope that I could meet gratitude again. And slowly with time and practice, small shifts occurred delivering balance and awareness with an awakening of light.

Loss arrives and grief immerses you into the depths of a sadness you never imagined, pulling you under until you cannot breathe. But over time the storm quiets and the tide ebbs, no longer a constant thrashing but instead, a nudge that provides a gentle reminder to move again, try again, and so we do.

Losing anything is never a choice, but we always have the power to be grateful, and I guard that energy with my heart. 

From the list...

Week 43: A mentor/teacher

My father was one of my biggest teachers and I look back at his wisdom which seemed so beyond his years since he passed away at 53. Whenever life was difficult I went to him for those words of encouragement. The ones that said yeah life's not fair, but look at all you do have.  A planting of gratitude so many years ago.

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