Gratitude - Week 37

March 12, 2017

"Gratitude doesn't change the scenery.  It merely washes clean the glass you look through so you can clearly see the colors."  ~ Richelle E. Goodrich

Week 37 - (March 5th - 11th)

Time has a way of softening things. What once was a harsh reality gently dissolves into a lesson, a season of enrichment that blooms when I recognize the catalyst propelling me into my story. What began as an unfair journey evolves as the guidance is distributed, each narrative connecting a web to untangle.

Today my father would be 73, and because of our twenty years difference, I notice the details of my age like a location on a map while comparing the routes taken. Tangled in longing with almost twenty years since his passing, I had never fathomed losing him so young.

But slowly, with the promise of time, I unravel gratitude in the story of his life and the memories we shared. Lessons he taught by his example, not only because he believed in truth, but because he lived by it. Through love and loss, I became grateful for all the gifts in my life, the kindness shared in moments and memories that awaken the promise of gratitude. 

The counsel he offered many years ago still echoes within my heart and is inscribed in the grace of memories I cherish. His message inspired hope providing the meaning and compassion to know grace does not come from getting what you want but instead noticing what you have.

From the list...

Week 37: Something you created

A family that supports one another, a gift that keeps giving with each memory we make. 

 If you are just starting to follow  #52weeksofgratitude you can start HERE   #gratitudechangeseverything

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