Gratitude - Week 34

February 19, 2017

"The goal of meditation isn't to control your thoughts, it's to stop letting them control you" 

Week 34 - (February 12 - February 18) 

With thirty-four weeks of gratitude under my belt, I am ready to explore mindfulness, excavating the available opportunities and craving direction I begin shaping this new routine into my days. Aware of the insight gratitude established I am open to the influence which mindfulness brings. 

Equipped with the desire to uncover a deeper introspection, I pursue the influences that lead me towards a more intuitive way of being, this heightened promise imports a shift to my days which I pursue with authority as it delivers transformation.

After reading how we should not awaken with a startling noise, like the boisterous alarms many acquire, I decided to investigate other options which offered a soothing sound that lifts you gently from your slumber, an option I had originally deemed impossible became imaginable and even enjoyable.

Each adjustment provides gratification illuminating the path towards mindfulness with guided meditative strides.

Meditation prompts the quiet purpose of my life with the discovery of treasures within once given the space to silence the chatter and be present. 

Each day, as I grow with practice I am enlightened by the influence of my thoughts softening while I gently slip away from the endless interruptions. Noticing my breath arriving and escaping as it calls me back to the present I am greeted with gratitude patiently waiting.

From the list...

Week 34: Things you like about spring

Everything is given the opportunity to begin again, and spring is the perfect reminder of those new beginnings...

 If you are just starting to follow  #52weeksofgratitude you can start HERE   #gratitudechangeseverything

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