Broken open - Week twenty-four

December 11, 2016

"There is a crack in everything, that is how the light gets in" ~Leonard Cohen

Week twenty-four (December 4 - 10)

We all have heartache and there will always be sadness, and even though I have been weighted with grief, I choose to remember the good days of joy and laughter. And while there are many small regrets, the biggest regret is not savoring each moment, staying present and taking it all in, instead, I was distracted by life and before I knew it the moment was gone, dropping quickly away.

Ryan would have been 29 this week and as I remember, I will reflect on not what I lost, but what I had. With gratitude, I can be thankful for the privilege of five years with Ryan, many do not get that, and like the lyrics of the dance, I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance, and what a dance we shared with Ryan.


Gratitude is not always easy, it does not come wrapped in beautiful packages; rather it arrives when things are broken and we can no longer hold on. Gratitude is the hope, a small piece of grace that delivers the comfort to continue our search and with the dignity of times pendulum we keep going.

From the list...

Week twenty-four: A book you learned from

There are so many books which taught me so many things, but recently the one I have been the most fascinated about, highlighting sections so I could share with Joel later this education I was receiving about Octopus from The Soul of an Octopus by  Sy Montgomery. It has been a fascinating and educational look into the knowledge I never realized exists with these amazing creatures.

The book was a purchase of my aunts while I was visiting in California. One morning as I sipped my morning coffee and watched the birds I picked up the book and thumbed through it.  Within two pages I knew I needed to read this book and ordered it so I would have it when I returned home. 

I finished the book in just over a week, carrying it with me at all times in case there was a moment to read. One of the most fascinating books I read this year!

 If you are just starting to follow  #52weeksofgratitude you can start HERE   #gratitudechangeseverything

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