Merry and Bright - Week 26

December 25, 2016


"Find JOY in everything you choose to do."

Week twenty-six (December 18 - 24) - Half way point

Hard to believe we are already halfway through the year where this all began at my 52nd birthday ...

Discovering Joy in everything I choose arrives swiftly, but that arrival has not come without the burden of heartache with memories from the past. The recognition that everything is not always joyful is how we discover hope as we learn through the guidance of despair.

I spend the month of December immersed in JOY sharing the memory of my son. Many years ago when I was consumed by anguish, I was incapable of joy, my heart broken in too many places to believe JOY still existed. But as the pain softened into something new, a scar that redirected my life, I realized that I had a choice in uncovering JOY or resting with heartache, the past was not going to change but the future could blossom from the storm.

Joy is easy when things are good when happiness fills your day you cannot hide the gifts of joy. But does joy exist during the painful seasons when heartache buries joy-filled days and you are drowning in sadness? 

Anguish returned to my life uninvited like a revolving door, dropping me into the pits of despair, deserted and unsure what I could learn on the other side of heartbreak? Anger and bitterness blurred my view and I fought with the why that arrives in every challenge, these challenges are the steps to transformation revealing hope at the cusp.

We cannot erase the pain of our past or dwell in its burdens which represent our awakening, like the scars from a battle they are there to remind us of the resilience we possess and our ability to make it to the other side while forging new beginnings on the path towards joy.

So this week I will savor the JOY in my life, reflect on the lessons of the past and continue to practice the gratitude in all that surrounds me each day...

From the list...

Week twenty-six: Someone you got to meet

David Copperfield and participate in one of his magic tricks 

 If you are just starting to follow  #52weeksofgratitude you can start HERE   #gratitudechangeseverything

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