"The goal of meditation isn't to control your thoughts, it's to stop letting them control you."
Creating the time and space for meditation has proved positive with an 82-day streak. A practice I follow with my Calm app. Each morning I embrace the quiet habit I have formed, setting my intention for the day ahead. Those ten minutes provide the space I need to begin my day in a peaceful state.
I began 2018 with the decision to cultivate time each day for myself. Creating a list of MUST do things, each day. Waking early for this mindful process still provides excitement within this promise to myself. Each small step moving me closer to the goals I chose at the start of the year. Starting my days with this practice is a dedication to my well being I am no longer willing to sacrifice.
Grateful for these small changes from a promise I fulfill to myself that each day.
The benefits of meditation are boundless, but here are just a few that I have found beneficial:
If you are just joining, HERE is the first post on the journey
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 |
Week 10 | ||||||||
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