52 weeks of gratitude: Week 9

March 4, 2018

"Nothing changes if nothing changes." 

52 Weeks of gratitude: Week 9

Over the past couple of years, the word mindfulness kept showing up in my life until I finally decided to pay attention. This curiosity of presence uncovered the stillness I was searching for by creating a necessary habit in my mornings.

Through the years, I have attempted several types of meditation with books, websites and, apps. And of those options Calm has remained my favorite. With its many options to meditate, these guided sessions have fine-tuned the direction in the space I lack, as well as the many sleep stories and other mindfulness tools available with a subscription. 

For much of 2017, my meditation practice remained just that, a practice, but I knew the peace these sessions created, even within the volley of their existence, and I knew I wanted more. Making 2018, my year of mindful mornings I devised a list of things I wanted to accomplish each morning before I start my day.

Anxious to begin, my mindfulness journey commenced the day after Christmas. Waking at 5 am, or earlier on days I leave earlier, I uncover balance with the framework of Miracle Mornings and the advice of Julia Cameron to formulate the goals of my future.

Here is the current list of daily habits I follow each morning and in the past 63 days (of this year), plus 6 of last year, I am committed to this time to myself.

There are many ways to uncover time for yourself, and this year I have decided to devote mornings to myself. These practices are usually completed in under 1 hour and I have not missed a day since I began on December 26th.  Grateful for a spouse who supports and cheers for each new goal I set.

How can you be more mindful in your life? There are always new opportunities to begin. A new month, a Monday, even Tuesday, March 6th (Chelsea's birthday) marks the 65th day of the year, leaving 300 days to start something new, and as I wrap up my first 100-day goal, I plan to begin another.

If you are just joining, HERE is the first post on the journey

  • January - Body/Self
  • February - Heart/Grief
  • March - Mind/Mindful
  • April - Awakenings/ New beginnings
  • May -  Family /Friends (share your gratitude)
  • June - Nature/Outdoors
  • July - Summer/Active
  • August - Compliment instead of complaint
  • September - Education/autumn
  • October - Motivation/Influence
  • November - Thankfulness
  • December - Kindness/Pay it forward
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6  Week 7 Week 8 Week 9


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