We are all different and isn't that a wonderful thing! I will never again allow someones opinion change the way I feel about myself.
We have different styles and tastes and likes and dislikes. Some like many tattoos, some none at all. It doesn't make either one wrong or right. Some of us like arts and reading others are not a fan of books. This doesn't make one better than the other. There are so many choices in our lifetime which define who we are as a person. What a boring place if we all thought and did things the same way.
Right now my sister is different than she was before, though she doesn't even know it. She may say or do things that she wouldn't before the surgery, but she is learning and teaching as she improves. Her struggles teach us the true meaning of life and living.
I am different than I was before, and isn't that a great thing, refined by fire! I am glad I can grow and evolve and change my mind and learn and accept. I can see people in a new way, not for how they act, or the tattoos on their body or even who they love. I can see people as people, all of us going through our own struggles and trying to improve ourselves.
This life is not a competition or a place to try and knock others down. It is to learn and grow from the differences that are all around us. To accept others and learn of their difficulties which can make you a more compassionate person.
I always thought I was a compassionate, caring person, until Ryan died and I seen the compassion of so many people, it taught me a lot. Of course I would rather have Ryan than the many lessons I learned, as with all the other hardships in my life. But I look in the mirror to who I've become and I am proud.
I see my children, my nephews and nieces all growing into these strong adults. Most importantly, caring for others and their feelings. My nephews have made me so proud while we learn to help Deb, as well as my own children. Even while going through their own battles.
It doesn't make one better when tearing someone down or judging their life, but oh how wonderful it feels when you lift someone up.
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