My 3rd half marathon in my 12 for 2012 series...
I watched the weather for the entire week, until finally I said it will be what it will be and there is nothing I can do about it but plan for the worst, and well.... we kinda got the worst!
With all these spring like temperatures we've been having since February, I thought a race in April would be perfect weather. But look at Boston marathon at 80+... you just never know.
Kathy and I went the day before to get our packets. It was her first half marathon in years and she was so excited, then when we got the cute jackets we were even more excited! What is it about work out clothes?
All the things that Kathy expressed concern over the day before, didn't seem to bother me. She thought for sure she wouldn't be able to sleep, not be hydrated enough, not be able to run without injury, etc. Me, I've done this before, its no biggie... right?
Yet, I did not sleep well the night before and within the first few miles of running I'm feeling sore and winded? What? This is supposed to be easier for me, I've done this before. Then I realize, this is NOT easy, it is not meant to be. For some reason, after a race I feel so good and forget pain it took to reach my goal!
Kathy and I stayed togeether for the first 5 miles, but slowly she started getting ahead of me and I just didn't have the breath to keep up. The body ached, sure... but it was the tightness in my chest that prohibited me from pushing it harder than I already was.
It rained on and off throughout the race and there were times when the rain was quite welcome. Then we had the wind and rain pelting you in the face as you ran by the lake. This became quite trying. I was so cold, I would pull my hands into the sleeves of my jacket, only to be over heating moments later and pull them out. As I approached mile 13 my hands were tingling and I was losing feeling, they were so cold! I continued to push myself and run harder, I needed to finish!
The sweetest thing besides seeing the finish at the end of the race was seeing my husband there to surprise me! Kathy's husband came as well as her two kids and we all gathered at the finish!
My official time, 2:11:38... I'm proud of my time, I'm proud of every race I run and that I push myself to new limits...I know now that I need to run more trail runs and sandy beaches so it doesn't hinder me in my next race.
All in all it was an awesome experience. My first race in the cold and windy rain, and I survived and was 14 seconds from a PR. I Arrived home in need of a long hot shower, the time and warmth to shrink my swollen hands and feet and then I was basking in the glow of another 13.1 completed!
After checking results I found out I won 3rd place for my age group! I get to pick up another award this week, since we left shortly after we finished race. This is my first placement in my age group! I don't care if it is a paper ribbon, it has me giddy!
Joel and I met up with Kathy and the group from Milts for dinner after race and shared our tale and medals!
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