The bitter cold grips my body as I hurry through the parking lot seeking shelter from the arctic winds...
The frigid gusts are silenced as the doors slide to a close. With the winds restricted, I shrug off my jacket and begin climbing the flight of stairs. The sound of my boots echo in the corridor as I ascend the staircase. At the top of the stairs I see a fireplace burning brightly, with its promise for warmth closing in. Scanning the nook I observe an open chair nearby inviting me to relax.
The chair adjacent to the fireplace, a perfect juxtaposition where I collect my book and escape into the story. It is here, a place of comfort and warmth where getting lost in a book is as inviting as coffee with a dear friend. Pushing away the distractions I begin to focus, like a fish entangled, I drift into the tale unfolding before me, lost in a story where the characters begin to play out like a movie in my minds eye.
Leading you on a respite of sorts and allowing you to drift away from a routine day, reading provides the imagination the boundless ability to travel to many places, meet new people and get lost in many worlds.
My father loved to read and he passed his books and passion for reading down to me. The opportunity to get lost in a good book is one I shall never pass up. Surrounded by books throughout the house, including many collections on my kindle, all constantly competing for my time and attention.
Establishing reading goals each year, I challenge myself to absorb many books into my life. Recording the books I read and observing what is popular or interested me in any given year. Recently my focus has been on mindfulness and of course writing. Drawn to a variety of reading makes me even more thankful for book club.
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