Following through 8/52

February 20, 2022

 Failure is simply the option to begin again, this time more intelligently

Week 8: Following through 

Eight weeks into the year and here I am still starting over with some of my goals. Between injury and too much celebrating, I have been unable to find consistency or follow through with a few of the changes I was seeking in the New Year. 

As my motivation dwindles, mindless chatter steps in with an offering of instant gratification that felt more rewarding than the slow and steady pace I’d been struggling with. I know what needs to be done yet talk myself out of doing the work. It seems even when we are aware of the rewards of following through, quite often it is easier not to. There is the friction of change, and it is most difficult to gain traction after the excitement fizzles. For me, the endless change brought on by Covid, has zapped my willingness to complete any projects, even knowing how satisfying they could be. 

Lately it feels easier to talk myself out of the training run, the writing session, or even changing my diet. Yet for change to occur, I need to get curious and accomplish the uncomfortable things. I have NEVER regretted a run, a writing session or eating healthy food, but with this changing world, I need a new approach.

Uncovering ways to show up and move through the obstacles is the first step to consistency, having a plan. These actions require time and dedication and planning, always providing the biggest rewards. Its time to begin again...

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