Anchors 9/52

February 27, 2022

Self-doubt is the anchor that keeps our ship from sailing

February: Curiosity

Week 9: Anchors

Anchors can hold something in place, provide a safeguard, or be the prompt that reminds us to follow through with a goal. They provide a positive reinforcement to the change we are seeking. A sentimental anchor can help you stay on track. My favorite anchor for writing is the clock that sits on my desk. It is the old flip style clocked that I have stopped at 12:07.  For years, when the clock reads 12:07 it has caught my attention and pulls me into thoughts of Ryan. A gentle nudge to a feeling that Ryan is with me. On my desk the clock now sits as a reminder to share my memories of Ryan and to write his story. 

To anchor a new habit or goal, be on the lookout for something with meaning and make it a visible reminder of the new habit you want to begin. Another anchor for my writing is the book Simple Abundance. I purchased it in February 1998 when my aunt stayed with us after my father died. While visiting a local bookstore, my Aunt Joyce recommended this new daily devotional. For me, reading has always been a balm for my grieving heart, this book became my lifeline during those early stages of grief, and one I still return to all these years later.

An anchor can help us prepare for a new routine. By having our workout clothes set out to remind us of our new workout habit. Or the notebook and pen we leave on our nightstand to remind us to write our daily gratitude.  By pairing your new habit or goal with an anchor, you have a visual reminder of the change you are looking for. 


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