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  • August 13, 2014
    Sometimes the change is so small or so minute its hard to notice...
    While things are always changing there are some things I've recognized in her memory building, recently we went to a TBI survivor group picnic and Deb kept myself and most of the others entertained with her wit and humor throughout!
    Before we left I was trying to keep my bangs out of my face, so Debbie told me to sit down while...

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  • August 10, 2014
    In a world that feels like everyone is out for themselves, I have found myself purely by accident, in a role of caregiver to many. How does one get this position in life?
    With Jane, it started out simply to help my mother in law through the struggles of her cancer, letting her know there would always be someone by her side. And looking back, how blessed was I to get to spend all that time with her....

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  • August 8, 2014
    Slow motion has always been her speed...
    If your in a hurry or have to catch a flight, be aware of her speed, because it does not change no matter what you have planned for the day or where you need to go. Trying to accomplish a lot is not going to happen so don't even try. 
    She moves slow, eats slow and thinks slow and I often wonder what is going on in this  chapter of her slow motion life?

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  • August 6, 2014
    We started planning when we were in Hilton Head...
    We knew we wanted a get together that would include both sides sharing in this exciting time for Chelsea and Anthony.
    Watching them ask the girls to be their flower girls was adorable
    I went a little crazy with Etsy, Hobby Lobby and other sites, picking out some fun things to make the day special. From the tic tac save the date, to the congrats...

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  • August 5, 2014
    While searching narcisistic behaviors and other characteristics I came across this insightful information. I think we have all crossed paths with some of these characters.
    Entitlement thinking. This way of viewing the world is to believe that your way is right and is the only way. If others do no agree with you, anger comes up. The belief is 'You must agree with me and do things my way or I have the...

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  • August 3, 2014
    Finally finding peace...
    The adventure was one I took on my own, with my own thoughts, memories and dreams. It was one I needed, to face demons that have  haunted me throughout my progress in life and grief. Although I had many friends, my writing and therapy guiding me, it was ultimately my decision to end the difficulty I had been going through and move towards all the good and positive things...

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  • July 28, 2014
    How wonderful it is to have friends all around this great big world...
    We had the opportunity to share in Debbie and Dave's son Ryans wedding on Saturday and what a beautiful night it was!
    Hanging out with this group is nothing but fun!
    There was no doubt it would be beautiful with Debbie involved!

    some of my favorite shots

    Chelsea dancing the night away

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  • July 24, 2014
    the most complicated yet the most complex  organ in the human body
    Think about it, our brains are functioning while we read this post, keeping our heart pumping and all other organs on track while thinking and doing other things at the same time. 
    The brain can give us the most outlandish  and sometimes telling dreams by taking a part of our conscious and subconscious and weaving them together...

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  • July 23, 2014
    is good....
    It stirs things up, rocks the boat and most of the time points you in a new direction, and over the past few years, I like the changes I've been through.
    No they haven't all been easy, but does anything that is good in life come easy?
    But they are my story, my journey, and the reason I am this person today. The heartbreak in my life has never come by choice, always something sweeping...

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  • July 21, 2014
    We were walking to the school bus stop, Joe and I, when coming across the center line, on the wrong side of the road, a car advances right behind us, slamming me onto the hood of the car, and then stopping as I slid off.
    It was the begining of the school year when every morning Joe and I would walk down the street to a friends house where we would catch the bus to school. A short walk, maybe 5-6 houses...

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