doing some Christmas shopping. Which I haven't had the chance to do in a couple years now because of working at the store.
Yesterday Deb mentioned heading out for a couple hours this morning and I thought it would be fun.
We spent most of our time at Target where they still had lots of supplies.
Cute tags, bags and cards for next year were just some of the things that I picked up.
We also went to Kohls where Debbie got her plates for next year's cookie exchange and some other things and then over to JoAnns where we both picked up some more things.
I found my tins that I'm going to use for next years cookie exchange. For 70% off it was worth picking them up now!
Then it was back home to do some cleaning and some fun stuff. So far today I got most of the house back in order and have started working on my scraproom, dropped Zach at a friends and finishing up some projects and layouts for my Work in Progress kits.
Better get back to it...
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