So the long awaited (at least for me) Bachelor show returned last night and for most of the show Chelsea and I were in stitches! Some of these girls were quite comical and some of them either had the craziest lines or I thought they were going to break out in song.
Now mind you I don't take this show all too seriously, but I think everyone felt something for Jason on the last season of The Bachlorette and only want good things for him...
If you want to read a hysterical recap you need to check out this site
This part had me cracking up as Chelsea and I said something similar while watching:
Anyhow, we've finally arrived at the pagan reality TV ritual known as
the ''rose ceremony.'' Who
will get a rose and who will ''lose their
chance at love forever''? (Really, ABC? Forever? Are you
to have a sniper shoot them in the neck as they exit the mansion to
ensure that they
won't live to love another day?) The all-important
first rose goes to — WTF — Lauren! And that
wasn't the only surprise.
Tooth Nazi and Kari ''I like sushi and cookie dough ice cream'' from
Kansas also got roses; I guess Jason is looking for romance with a side
of crazy. And then
there were some not-so-surprising eliminations:
Treasure — who seemed remarkably normal —
will never get the chance to
explain to America how she got that name, Jackie was left
standing at
the altar at her imaginary beach wedding, and Renee's vision board
failed her miserably.
And who doesn't love Chris Harrison? Now this season he is going to be blogging
Chris Harrison's blog!!!!
And Deanna coming back? WTF???
And so as of the first episode here are my choices to end up with Jason
I liked Nikki, Melissa, Jillian, Erica and Lauren, but who knows how that will change
Tonight is the return of the Biggest Loser, another of my reality tv guilty pleasures!
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