With only a few weeks till school begins I thought I would put together the ABC's of our summer. This year we really did a lot of fun things together as a family and I am so grateful for all the fun times we shared!
A - Animals
B - Beach
C - Chicago
D- Deer
E - Egg whites
F - Fireworks
G - Gifts
H - Hilton Head
I - Ice Cream
J - Jury Duty
K- Kit club
L - Library
M - Michigan
N - New floor
O - Outback
P - Parties
Q - Quality time
R - Rob Thomas
S - Strawberries
T - Trainer
U - Umbrella
V - Vacation
W - Wine
X - Xray (after Chel fell and needed an Xray and new camera)
Y - Yachts
Z - Zoo
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