How awesome is that! It seems the snow has been my friend because everytime I think I just need a day home to get things caught up, I get my snow day!!!
Now I was supposed to go to the dentist this morning but I have since cancelled that and will have to reschedule. Since while on vacation I broke a tooth! I couldn't believe it, it seems anymore I have so many problems with my teeth and this was just another example of that!
I took my mom to get her stools from Arhause warehouse yesterday and before we went she told me about her concern with Ziggy - my brother Joe's dog that she has been taking care of since he died. As soon as I saw him I knew somthing was wrong and urged her to call the vet. His head is leaning to one side and he keeps loosing his balance. I told her it looked like he had a stroke and the vet confirmed it. They say strokes are different in dogs and they can make a full recovery in 3 - 7 days, so I just hope that's the case with Ziggy. I know he's getting old, but I know losing him will be like losing my brother all over again for all of us!
Still uploading pictures from the trip too! OMG this is taking me forever, so every spare moment I get I work on them and upload them to my flickr account and to scrapbook pictures so that I have several back ups!
Going to make good use of this day home and hope to repost later with the list of things I've accomplished today...
Here's some recent favorites I uploaded:
Monday night after going to Kennedy Space Center we came back to the house had a couple drinks and cooked steaks. On our way to the Kennedy Space Center my brother in law noticed lots of gators - we were sure to watch better on the way back. We didn't get to see the shuttle or the launch area, we found out after we could no longer get tickets that those are seperate tours. We went on Monday and the space shuttle came in on Wednesday... so close!
When asking the kids what was their favorite thing from the trip. Most of them replied THE BLUE MAN GROUP show.
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