annual family night out to dinner for New Year's Eve. We have done this for 15 years (another tradition we began with Ryan) and we all look forward to this night with family. Sometimes we have others join us, other times its just us, either way its always fun.
Chelsea left early because she wants party hats and horns - I can only imagine what we are in for?
I can still remember going to Ground Round (which doesn't even exist anymore around here) that night 15 years ago as a family with Ryan. We ran into other friends who were going out as couples but I was glad to be right where I was.
Its funny to reflect that whole last year we had with Ryan was the best. A great summer vacation, 5th birthday celebration, Christmas and New Year's. I guess those are the little things God gives you that you realize are the big things in life that we hold onto. What a great gift they are.
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