So far that's what our weekend has been about...
Friday night we attended the local Buckeye football game to see Shawn and Cameron. We ended up running into Brett who is Joel's cousins son and became friends with Chelsea over this last year. He was there for the opposing team and for as crowded as the game was, it was amazing that we even ran into him. We stayed until just into the 3rd quarter since Chelsea wanted to get home and visit with her dad for a little before heading back out Saturday morning.
However not being the home team, it was tough to get a good picture of the kids in the band and a close up of the football players.
Last night we headed out to Browns stadium for The Patriot Bowl. It was neat going downtown and seeing all the Kent State fans and families. There were so many bands besides Kent and while our seats were good, it was still hard to find Chelsea in the group. A couple times we did find her up on the jumbotron screen.
Throughout halftime and other breaks in the game they were shooting t shirts into the grandstand. They shot one near us and Joel, while remaining seated reached out and grabbed one!
It was a wonderful evening and I'm looking forward to the rest of the weekend...
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