I really thought today I would have some time to play with some projects I've been thinking about. For one I picked up my Work in Progress Kit yesterday and I can't wait to start playing with it, then I also had a chance to stop at Hollo's today and see if they had any fun things I could create a mini book with - since I'm always drawn to them for some reason?
But as it turned out my day ended up being broken up with errands and dinner and maybe I spent a few minutes too long checking out Ali Edwards AEzine. There were a lot of cool ideas and links that I spent some time checking out and bookmarking to come back to. Needless to say it is now 9:30 and I'm too tired to get anything started.
Tomorrow night is dinner for Lisa's birthday, so it looks like Friday will be my next window of opportunity.
Here are the fun finds from Hollo's
These little boxes I was thinking of coming up with some kind of favors for Chelsea's graduation?
Here are pictures of the window Joel hung for me in my scrap area of the basement. Now I just need to figure out how I want to decorate it. Since you see both sides when you come down the steps I have to think of both sides. I did add some rub ons and one picture.
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