2015 goals

December 17, 2014

With only two weeks left in the year, you know you're thinking about it... coming up with that goal or word or plan for the new you that begins with the dawning of a New Year! There are so many things we can do better in our lives, so why not have a little fun with all the change that is possible in the 2015?

For me, I love to have a goal... I work harder, go further and enjoy more with a goal in mind.


It may sound silly to some. but for me, goals give you something to work towards. Those small goals over time make the biggest changes in your life.


A new habit is formed in 21 days, so why not take one thing each month to focus on. The year is going to fly by before you know it! Make it a better, more positive year!

While I'm still pondering my WORD for the year, here is a list of ideas that I came up with for change in the coming year!

  1. January - Start a grateful journal, once a day list things you are grateful for and meditate daily
  2. February - Two times a week exercise, lift weights, add yoga or spinning (try something new)
  3. March  - Three things to change or give up (drink more water, rid yourself of social media, exercise, wake earlier each day and journal, cut out carbs, coffee or candy)
  4. April - Read four books or magazines and learn something new
  5. May - Clear out clutter - whether from your house or your mind, make a conscious effort to remove that excess baggage that is weighing you down.
  6. June - Celebrate summer ~ do six things you can only do in the summer (picnic, outdoor dinner, swimming, water ski)
  7. July - (run/walk) Seven miles, seven times with better pace each time
  8. August - Cook up Eight new recipes
  9. September - Follow through with nine pins on pinterest
  10. October - ten days with ten ways to make the world a better place
  11. November - show gratitude to eleven people in your life
  12. December - Twelve random acts of kindness



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