Thank you for your kind and encouraging words and messages in regards to my story telling adventures.
I love writing! Whether I am typing on the computer or writing with paper and pen, I love it! Ocassionally I keep the words to myself and use them to help me heal from whatever has me feeling defeated. Other times I expose myself and what I am feeling with no fear of rejection, just placing my thoughts into random words that form an accidental sentence.
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing - Benjamin Franklin
Every day I awake with thoughts on life, thoughts on all that is going on around me and how much to unmask of this existence. Is it true that we learn from heartache and become more compassionate?
When I lost my son so many people expressed that they wouldn't survive it, and I challenge, what choice did I have? Does it make me stronger because I am still standing? Or instead, maybe it makes you more caring, more compassionate and more appreciative to the life we have all been given.
There is nothing to writing, all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed - Ernest Hemingway
A few stories still swim within my thoughts, unsure of the promise of being unmasked. Some bear no craving to disclose the negative that is connected, and some which are emotions still searching for their voice have not been expressed yet.
I often wonder where I am heading with my writing, but for now its just my thoughts unfolding in an open diary with the hopes of helping someone else along the way.
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