We had such a great weekend, except of course for Chelsea having to get her wisdom teeth out. But at least its over with and although her mouth seems to be hurting more today than it was before... finally her stomach is feeling better!
This weekend was so much fun from Friday to Sunday! To begin with the guys went out camping. It was one of those use it or lose it camp plans. So we figured the guys may as well take advantage of the weekend, and it was a beautiful one they had... besides for a little rain they got last night.
With just the girls here and Ben we decided to get some scrapping time in. My mom, my sister Deb and Joyce came over while Ben and Chelsea watched the Olympics upstairs. We of course always have a great time together and I spent a good part of the evening working on cards.
Saturday came and Chelsea was still feeling nauseated so she pretty much laid around until the afternoon when we were heading over to Dave and Norma's for the party they all put together for all the kids heading off to college and to celebrate the birthday and surgery recovery for Jess. We had a great time over there and Norma can mix an awesome Margarita!
Rose gave the best speech about each of the kids while getting choked up herself... I don't think there was a dry eye in the place!
Chelsea had to hold Grandma's drink for the picture
They also put together these awesome totes filled with supplies for the kids when they head off too college!
Dave and Norma's yard looked beautiful. I had my friend make another cookie tree for the party. Luckily Joel picked it up for me since I was stuck making the police report about my sunroof.
During the day I received the subscription email from Scrapbook Trends and seen my cover which I didn't plan on seeing until at least some time in October?
So finally we arrive at today, Sunday...
We all slept in late and then after getting our coffee went back downstairs to scrap until the guys returned from camping.
I just need to add some journaling then I'll upload my completed layouts.
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