"If you can't find joy in the path you are on and what you are working towards, how do you expect to find joy once you get there?"
Joy beneath the fog
On my early morning run the fog moved in blanketing me with an eerie feeling of unknown as it smothered my view. Like the anxiety that often complicates the future, delivering a sting of doubt while searching for stability, forcing admittance to my inability to control what is next and accept what is now.
Carrying the weight of uncertainty made my run slow and painful prompting every insecurity of life as the fog grows thicker forcing me to push through with blind faith, reminiscent of the desperate unease of the unknown, when faith is our only next step.
All day the fog clung to my thoughts with the doubt weighing my abilities until I could finally see clear to push through it. Working on my goals helped lift the unwanted fog, bringing with it an invitation for the evening and a reminder to all the joy that friendship delivers each day, a huge step to rattle out that feeling of hesitation and return to that place of peace.
Sometimes joy does not ring in with bells but instead softly glistens beneath the fog of life. I knew it was there, I just did not recognize it until I opened my eyes.
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