Complete these sentences...
1. I am the happiest when our family goes out for a night of dinner and laughs
2. 3 of my most fave things to do are: scrapbook, read and laugh with my kids
3. I feel sad and alone whenthere is fighting going on around me.
4. When I do this work on my scrapbooking I always feel happier/better.
5. I wish I could fix this. The loss of my family who used to spend every holiday together laughing
6. My fave summer past time isCooking out and reading by the pool while the kids and dog swim
7. One of my most fave things to wear is my new flip flops
8. If I could give an obscene amt of money to one worthy cause, that cause would be: to save more children's lives when suffering from an unknown virus.
9. My fave all time movie I have seen is Mr. Hollands Opus
10. I admire confidence in other people.
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