I found this out at Google maps distance calculator. And why you may ask am I measuring the distance to places around the US?
Because I set a goal this year to run 500 miles. When I set the goal I thought it was a reasonable goal to attain, and yet here I am almost half-way through 2010 and I have already ran 380 miles, which leaves me 120 miles for the rest of the year! I'm hoping I can do that before my next half marathon.
And it just goes to show that you never know what you are capable of doing! Seven years ago I was a heavy smoker, once I quit smoking I did the roller coaster weight gain and loss. And with all the running I have lost over 15 lbs. and that's only since I began keeping track, because when I first started running it was just to feel better, then I noticed the weight coming off. You know the whole move more, eat less... well actually with running you really aren't eating less because you do have to add more calories to fuel your runs! But I make better food choices.
February 2010 and May 2010
And all of this from someone who was intimidated by the treadmill, until my daughter convinced me to just walk it for a while. Now I do interval runs to increase my run speed and hills to build my endurance and of course running farther distances to prepare for another half marathon.
So why not try something new, you never know what it may lead to!
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