The seasons of life

January 1, 2021

A new year and a new list of things to do. What is it about the turn of the calendar that sparks such a flurry of new beginnings? Goals and promises often broken before the months end as we fall back to our old habits.

But with these goals, these dreams we reach out for, I have discovered change and it doesn't have to begin on the 1st of a month, year or of the week, I quit smoking January 7, 2003. No rhyme or reason for that day except that I was tired of how I felt, and when we are stuck long enough, we decide to move.

This year my goal is to get back to writing again, no facebook in January, read the bible and a few other daily devotionals like The book of Awakenings by Mark Nepo, run of course, yoga and mindfulness. And instead of choosing one word to represent the year, I am choosing 4, one for each quarter.

  • Balance - January-March
  • Cultivate - April - June
  • Grow - July - August
  • Savor - September - December

 Once a week I will share stories of how I am finding balance, cultivating change, growing and savoring the seasons while reaching for new goals.


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  • February 3, 2021 @ 11:01 AM EST
    By Bobby Camblin
    4 words!! I love this! Can’t wait to follow :)

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