Spending time with my mother and learning more about Dementia along the way. Sometimes its all about changing your expectations of the person so that you can accept them at the stage they are when dealing with this disease. It is something I continue to struggle with. I want the mother that I had, and need to continually remind myself that she is no longer... So instead I'm trying to learn to enjoy the time with her and who she is now.
Recently we went to lunch out in Eton shopping center where you will find one of my favorite stores, Lululemon and some fun little restaurants. The decor in the little outdoor mall is beautiful and my mom just adores the area, appreciating all the little things that sometimes in our busy days go by unnoticed.
She has some really good days, and then she will have a horrible streak of bad days. But as we go on I'm trying to learn how to fill in the blanks when she can't find the word and accept that she told me the same story 5 times in the last 20 minutes....
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