Recently I've been back to crafting...
just a few things, but its getting me back to my happy place, and I like that!
I love shopping at Target for all the new and different things they have to offer during every season. Recently they had these chalkboard spice jars that I loved! I didn't know yet what I was going to do with them with their bright spring like colors, but I knew I'd find something.
these are the larger jars, but the lids are the same.
Then I remembered our upcoming Valentine party with girlfriends and grabbed a can of spray paint and my jars and visited my husband at work. Yes, I could have painted them myself, but I love his attention to detail, and as I figured, they came out perfectly.
After my husband painted the lids a perfect shade of red, I filled the jars with dark chocolate M & M's. I haven't decided if I will put their initials on them or a Valentine message, but I love them!
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