Well last night I went to a friends Home and Garden party. I had never been to one before, but its always nice to get together with a group of friends. I didn't stay late and was able to come home and get a couple things done around here.
Today I'm taking the day off work and going shopping with my mom and sister. My mom wants to purchase part of a new family room set of furniture for us and boy do we need it. The only thing I know is I want leather, like a bomber jacket, etc. So we are heading out to Avon Commons and possibly to Crocker Park - depending on the time it takes us.
Right now we have a loveseat and chair and a half in the family room - I don't know if I want a sofa and loveseat, a loveseat and chair or two loveseat's, so hopefully today will help narrow it down.
Then next week we begin the remodel. I'm taking everything off the walls and removing the border and wallpaper at the bottom and the chair rail. I'm then getting Wainscot for the bottom and want to finish it in a linen white and add bri-wax to it to make it look old.
Well maybe I'm not doing all this, but having some of it done... I am doing the painting of the wainscot and I might try and get the border and wallpaper down before they start to work to help in the cost.
My problem... I don't know what color to paint the walls at the top. Right now its blue and its been a red, white and blue theme for years so I know I want to leave that theme. My dinning room is red and my bathroom is green. I don't know if I should go a brown/beige with the wainscot being a light tan/beige? Any suggestions?
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