After blog surfing I found this list of interesting questions at
One habit you'd like to break totally: still thinking...
One person you'd like to get to know better: still thinking...
One random act of kindness that you'd like to make a habit this year:
My random $5's at Starbucks or some drive-through on the 7th every month, and some random days
Something that you'd like to own by the end of 2008: A Canon 40D
Something that you'd like to get rid of by the end of 2008: Ridge rental property
One change you'd like to see in your life in 2008: Learning to let go of things I cannot control
One thing you'd like to memorize in 2008: still thinking...
Something that you'd like to improve on: My reading, photography, scrapbooking, keeping up with household chores
Something you'd like to learn in 2008: Psychology, digital design
Something you're looking forward to this year: Chelsea's turning 18 and Chelsea is graduating!
One thing you're going to make sure does NOT happen in 2008: more debt
Will you try to eat healthier?: Of course
Will you take up some form of exercise?: Yes
Will you try to improve your financial situation?: Yes
Will there be any lifelong goals you'll try to accomplish?: Being a better person
Will you move to a new place?: Probably not this year
What new things will you try for fun and adventure?: still thinking...
Will you try a new look?: Yes
Will you try to eat something you've never had before?: ???
Will you be getting any tattoo's?: No, probably not
Will you be getting any piercings: No
Will you try a new hairstyle or color?: Sure
Will there be any charities you'll be active in?: I would like to get involved in something more than my toy drive during the holidays
Top 5 Places to go in 08: Florida, New York, Chicago, Maine, California
Top 5 Things to do in 08: Disney trip with family and friends, Chicago with friends, __________________
Top 5 Ways to improve yourself in 08: Eat healthy, work out, don't sweat the small stuff, take time for myself, find the positive in everything.
One new years wish to make your 08 truly happy: Family problems fixed
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