Saying goodbye

May 14, 2014

I had to write something for Jane... 

We picked up bracelets for the boys and grandkids with WWJD printed on them so when  any of us make a tough decision we will always be reminded to think, what would Jane do...


Life is about lessons; the things we learn as we go through tough times make us the individuals that we are. The values we are taught and live by are a true testament to the love we have received from those important to us.

I’ve had the privilege to be a part of Jane’s life since I was 15 years old; she became a mother to me, as I was a daughter to her. She was my “go to person” for advice, whether with my kids, family or just life in general, she always provided a wealth of wisdom.

We have all learned something from Jane; that strong and loving person we saw each day was only a small serving of the amazing qualities she held.

She lived her life with laughter, no matter how tough things got, there was always a smile on her face.  I can either laugh or cry and I choose to laugh was something she often said!

She raised four boys, a feat in itself which she cherished, keeping herself involved in all their growing up activities, and beaming with pride at their accomplishments throughout life.

No matter how strenuous her days could be, Jane never lost her resolve for happiness. Finding it in the smallest of details like planting a tree from a small sapling and watching it grow throughout the years.

She never had expectations in life and accepted all the good and bad as it came at her, teaching those around her about the medicine of laughter.  As we continue on without her and come upon our own struggles we have to remind ourselves WWJD, what would Jane do?



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